A treasure represents any precious thing of great value.
A Treasure talks about valuable things which someone or a people can be ready to risk their lives to seek for.
Treasure seekers are ready to pass through the valley of the shadow of death to make sure that they lay hands on the treasures they greatly cherished. Kingdom treasure is most precious,it has eternal value.
But Our Jesus Christ says in Matthew 6:33…
*But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you*
Seek peace, harmony, love, kindness, charity, Godliness, Piety, holiness, righteousness, purity and perfection.
Seek to obey God, love him, serve him and keep his commandment.
You can seek the treasure of the earth and find it, but one day you will still loose it because you are not going to live on earth for ever.
You can make great amounts of money and build mansions, plazas and several estates, but then, one day you will live them for another person who you are not even sure how he or she is going to manage it properly.
You can amass great quantity of gold, silver, diamonds and copper, but you can never be sure how long you are going to live with it.
You can also buy for yourself several exquisite cars, but one day you will still loose them because the earth is not your eternal home – Psalms 119:19
Though cars, houses and good businesses are good and necessary in life , but listen to Jesus,
“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you”
Jesus said that we should make kingdom treasure our top priority and then God will add everything else (including cars, house, business and children) to us.
In verse (32) he says…
“For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things”
But God wants you to seek Righteousness, Holiness, Purity and Perfection first and then God himself will give you every other things you need through the Godly way.
Mind you that the people who seek the glory of the world without putting God first, are desperate and greedy people who are ready to steal, kill, cheat and sell substandard goods in order to make money.
But those who seek the kingdom treasure must be honest, sincere and genuine in all their dealings.
The children of God must value the life, health and safety of other people and they must never for the sake of quick wealth undermine or endanger the lives of others.
Remember also that those who go to seek earthly treasure don’t allow anything else to distract their attention, because they knows the value of the treasures they were seeking for.
So therefore” if you value the kingdom treasure, do not allow anything else to distract you or to deny you the glory of achieving the goal of your life’s adventure.


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